florin comanContemporary Art Paintings
Contemporary Art Romania
Abstract si figurativ deopotriva, tratate intr-o maniera personala, delicata si originala. Un pictor complex, autodidact, ce ne arata o personalitate aparte. In timp ce multi dintre plasticieni isi cauta, inca, propriul stil, Florin Coman l-a gasit si incearca cu eleganta sa ni-l propuna spre contemplare.
Cromatica lucrarilor sale trece de lumina - galben, rosu, albastru ciel - la intuneric - brunuri, tonuri inchise, uneori negru intens.
Discursul vizual este unul coerent dovedind stapanirea elementelor si a mijloacelor de expresie plastica. Dintre elementele de limbaj plastic frapeaza grafismul echilibrat al liniei si ordonarea tuselor cromatice. Ritmul joaca si el un rol important in construirea compozitionala.
Petre Emanuel Ghergu - Artist Vizual
All informations about sale prices for those paintings you can find at www.saatchiart.com
- Awake
- Cucuteni
- Green summer
- White Flowers
- National Bank robbery
- Mess
- Murivale
- Inconnu
- Beautifull mess 1
- Beautifull mess 2
- Blast from the past
- Stunned by dark
- Faces 4
- Marilyn Monroe Portrait
- Tragedy
- Art of fail
- Guard
- Scarface
- Faces 3
- Faces 2
- Faces 1
- 3
- American Flag
- Train in my mind
- Good & Bad News
- Erotiq Freud
- John Lennon 1
- John Lennon 2
- Wedding 1
- Blue Rose
- X
- Wedding2
- Maria
- Jesus
- Fountain
- Faust
- The Execution
- Bull Drama
- Crowd
- Oculus
- Begining & End
- St. George
- Lucifer
- Paris
- X Generarion
- Swan
- Mother Fox
- Bird
- Ficus
- Alhambra
- Politics
- Untitled
- Art Critic
- Blue Something
- Modern Elevator
- Risk
- House of flowers
- Sun flowers
- Corrida
- Morning over the town
- Night over the town
- Some birds.Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Rain Seasons. Abstract Painting.Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Fairies - Might you be seeking magic on yourjourney. Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Night Carriage
- In the right place to our delight, recognizing the hour to begin our night. Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Feeling blue. Accept a change and close your eyes, do what you do. Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Piano. Manny sounds and colours. Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Jazz trumpet
- Wild sea.Little boat for a big adventure. Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Charlie Chaplin Painting Portrait 1 - Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor and filmmaker who rose to fame in the silent film era.
- Charlie Chaplin Painting Portrait 2 - Charlie Chaplin became a worldwide icon through his screen persona "the Tramp" and is considered one of the most important figures of the film industry.
- Charlie Chaplin Painting Portrait 3 - His career spanned more than 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian era until a year before his death in 1977, and encompassed both adulation and controversy.
- Gerhard Richter Tribute - 2. Gerhard Richter is one of the most important artists of our time; his career spans nearly six decades. Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Gerhard Richter Tribute - 1. The other common themes in his work are the elements of chance, and the play between realism and abstraction. Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Imagine God.John Lennon - "Imagine there's no heaven / It's easy if you try / No hell below us / Above us only sky / Imagine all the people / Living for today" John Lennon - Imagine. Contemporary Art Painting - Florin Coman
- Purple Haze.Jimi Hendrix - "Purple haze, all in my brain / Lately things they don't seem the same/ Actin' funny, but I don't know why / Excuse me while I kiss the sky." Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
- All that jazz - your hands it doesn’t know what’s love or hate anymore
- Venetian Mask - We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be.
- Flower Touch - The wardrobe mistress would touch up the petals with her curling iron
- Golden Giraffe - They are quiet and gentle
and I don’t know if their full of glee
- Old Sailor - On the seas of East and West. Beyond the fog! Beyond the horizon!
- Colour Rain. Because life is't about waiting for the storm to pass.
- Sigmund Freud Portrait - Does color affect your mood? Psychologists have said "Absolutely!" to that question for a very long time.
- Jester King - If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you; if you can keep your head when all men doubt you - yet make allowances for their doubting too.
- Sunflower - Sunflowers, growing tall, bringing life to that dull wall. Reaching up towards the Sun,
flowering for everyone.
- The Key -I've got the key, I've got the secret / I've got the key to another way...
- UK Forever - On 18 September 2014 people in Scotland voted in a Referendum to remain in the United Kingdom
The UK government believes that Scotland is better off in the UK and the UK is better off with Scotland in it.
- Angel Dream - Afraid you might wake to see the monster that had to leave.
- Ballet - This is a ballet that is truly too beautiful to be talked about, but must be seen and heard to be fully understood and loved.
- Gitan a Paris - Chanson gitane: pour violon / vie
- Blues Flower - Many blossoms line the streets a thousand colors that I could choose /
And I'm trying to imagine the taste of all the petals I must refuse.
- The bull - It represented a ritual bull-killing.
- Colour Houses - Walls of life. Colours calm, stimulate, invigorate and energise us.
- Face 2 Face - a woman's face wears many masks /
her precious secrets to conceal.
- Red Flamingo - One flamingo ascends slits a bleeding wound in the sky
- Green Eyes - Let them take away my ... Are like woods on a warm spring day.
- White Elephants - It is said that the King of Siam used to make a present of a white elephant to courtiers he wanted to ruin.
- The Whisper - I stand still to listen to it's cheerful whisper.
- London Colours - Rich, vivid and fantastic.

Copyright 2014. Contemporary Art Paintings (Fine Art, Abstract, Expressionism, Impressionism) by Florin Coman. All rights reserved.
Saatchiart.com - Florin Coman
fine art - abstract - expessionism